Now available online 👇🏼


How we will take care of you and our planet


For packaging, we use boxes and filler made of recycled paper. Our packages do not contain plastic, but they contain a lot of love.


We try to buy most of our crystals directly from miners and local communities who care about nature and their workers.


With each order, you also receive cards with a description of the ordered crystals or incense, so that you never forget their properties.


Because we know how much you look forward to such packages of good energy, orders placed during the week before 12 noon are shipped the same day.


Od leta 2020 je bilo v naši trgovini opravljenih že več kot 48.000 nakupov od več kot 15.000 strank. Hvaležni smo za vsako.

What other products are you interested in?

In addition to crystals and incense, you can also find...


Just browsing and want to indulge in the universe?

Click on the link below and let yourself be surprised with a random crystal.

Your Soul Time advises:

Buying a gift?

If you need help choosing the perfect gift, contact us

send an email and we will be happy to advise

Send an email

For a quick gift where you want to give a free choice...

Gift Voucher - Your Soul Time
Sale priceFrom 10,00 €

You can also send it to us when ordering

dedication, which is included in the package and gift-wrapped.

Your soul time advises:

How to choose the right crystal for yourself?

Many times, the wide selection of crystals makes it impossible for many people to enter this wonderful world of magical stones. That is exactly why we have prepared a guide that will help you find the right crystal that is meant for you.

Different shapes for different tastes

Looking for a specific crystal shape?


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useful content about all things magical


Kristali na delovnem mestu? Ja, prosim!

Kristali na delovnem mestu? Ja, prosim!

Sodobno delovno mesto je lahko polno stresa, motenj in situacij, ki črpajo energijo. Medtem ko imajo tradicionalne metode produktivnosti svoje mesto, vedno več ljudi odkriva, kako koristno je vklju...
Kristali za empate in zelo občutljive osebe: Vodnik za upravljanje energije in čustveno ravnovesje

Kristali za empate in zelo občutljive osebe: Vodnik za upravljanje energije in čustveno ravnovesje

Za empate in zelo občutljive osebe je vsakodnevno življenje lahko naporno, saj absorbirajo energije in čustva ljudi okoli sebe. Mnogi najdejo tolažbo in podporo pri delu s kristali, ki se tradicion...
Kako se zaščititi pred čustvenimi vampirji s kristali in kadili

Kako se zaščititi pred čustvenimi vampirji s kristali in kadili

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Visit our physical store!

Where can you find us?

Working hours are from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 19:00 and on Saturdays from 12:00 to 16:00 .

You can find us at the address Litostrojska Cesta 40, but since it is an industrial zone, this address is shared by several buildings. The best thing to do is to type “Your Soul Time” into Google Maps — this way will lead you straight to our parking lot.

The map below can also help you, where you can clearly see where you need to turn so you don't get lost.

You can always call us on 031 697 994, where we will be happy to help you.

There are also free parking spaces in front of our premises, so that shopping can take place in peace, without thinking and fearing the extension of the parking fee.