White Sage with Cinnamon
White Sage with Cinnamon
Your Soul Time Skladišče
40 Litostrojska Cesta
1000 Ljubljana
Cinnamon has this magical power that whenever we smell it, it transports us to the time of winter holidays, full of warmth. However, many people do not know the magical effects of cinnamon when used as incense.
2000 BC, one of the first documented incenses in ancient China was cinnamon. From there, incense spread to Japan, and the rest is history.
We use cinnamon to attract wealth, abundance and energy. With it, we also achieve a state of better grounding and presence, which is why it is extremely suitable for use during meditation or yoga.
When we add white sage to cinnamon, we ensure that we remove all negative energy from our surroundings that would be an obstacle to attracting abundance. Undoubtedly an unforgettable incense that you must try.
Product features
- Organic white sage, sustainably grown and harvested in California,
- The roll measures approximately 10 cm in length,
- Suitable for repeated use.