
Smudging Sacred Package

Angebotspreis14,50 €

Inkl. Steuern.

20 Bewertungen
Abholung von Your Soul Time Skladišče momentan nicht möglich

Smudging Sacred Package

Your Soul Time Skladišče

Abholung momentan nicht möglich

40 Litostrojska Cesta
1000 Ljubljana


Smuding Sacred Package for all those who would like to banish negative energy from their lives with the help of White Sage, bring in good energy with the wonderful Palo Santo wood, and protect their surroundings from negative influences with the help of Cedar.

The package contains:

Properties of White Sage:

  • Organic sage grown sustainably in California.
  • Handmade in Spain.
  • The roll measures approximately 11 cm in length.

Properties of Palo Santo wood:

  • High quality Palo Santo wood.
  • Sustainably grown in Peru.
  • The dimensions of each stick are: 10 cm x 2 cm to 3 cm.

Features of Cedar:

  • Organic cedar, sustainably grown in the Netherlands.
  • The roll measures approximately 11 cm in length.
  • The smell is similar to white sage, only slightly less intoxicating. Great for anyone who can't stand the strong scent of sage. 

You can read more about individual products and how they are used at the links above.