
Phantom Quartz - Special #011

Angebotspreis17,00 €

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Phantom Quartz - Special #011

Your Soul Time Skladišče

Abholung momentan nicht möglich

40 Litostrojska Cesta
1000 Ljubljana


Phantom Quartz is a special version of Quartz that started its growth normally, but then its growth slowed down or stopped altogether.

During this growth retardation, various minerals were deposited on top of the crystal. As the crystal began to grow again, it outgrew these new mineral inclusions and trapped them within itself.

Only its "ghost" or phantom remained behind the old crystal or the old version of the crystal.

Phantoms can also arise simply due to temperature changes in the surroundings of the crystal.

Metaphysical characteristics of Quartz stone:

  • A stone known as the "Master Healer" or "The Healer",
  • Regulates life energy according to needs,
  • It helps in raising and improving concentration,
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Improves our connection with the spiritual world,
  • It helps with difficult decisions, it helps us see things in a clearer light

Phantom Quartz reminds us that all the events of our life, both the difficult and happy events, make us a complete person.