
Sweet Grass Incense

Angebotspreis4,50 €

Inkl. Steuern.

6 Bewertungen
Abholung von Your Soul Time Skladišče möglich Gewöhnlich fertig in 24 Stunden

Sweet Grass Incense

Your Soul Time Skladišče

Abholung möglich, gewöhnlich fertig in 24 stunden

40 Litostrojska Cesta
1000 Ljubljana


A sacred herb for attracting all good things

Sweetgrass represents one of the four "sacred" herbs or medicines to the Native Americans. Especially the Ojibwe and Cree peoples know Sweetgrass as one of the oldest plants to inhabit Mother Earth. It is also called "Mother Earth's hair."

We use this incense when we want to bring good energy and good moments into our lives.

The sweet smell of Sweet Grass reminds us of the tenderness, love and kindness that Nature and the universe have for people. Burning sweet grass releases a sweet and extremely soothing scent that relaxes even a restless spirit.

Native Americans also use this herb as a communication element with Nature and an energetic connection with the higher world. They believe that by burning Sladka Trava together with the smoke, our thoughts and desires ascend to the "creator", where he listens to them and makes them come true.

Definitely an experience that you must have and later practice regularly for a good life.

Product features

  • Organic Sweet Grass, sustainably grown and farmed in North America,
  • The braid measures approximately 10 cm in length,
  • Suitable for repeated use.

Instructions for use