Although water cleansing is a popular and historically classic method for clearing negative energy from crystals, it is not always the safest choice for your crystals. Below we have prepared a short article that will familiarize you with the risks that cleaning with water brings and how to avoid them.
Risks of cleaning with water
Water may seem like a gentle and natural way to cleanse crystals, but many crystals should not come into contact with water.
Many crystals are porous/soft, contain metals, or are sensitive to water chemistry, which can lead to surface damage, cracking, or even complete dissolution.

The dangers of cleaning with water are as follows :
- Chemical reactions : Water can react with the minerals in the crystals, causing oxidation, rusting, or other chemical changes that can weaken or destroy the crystal.
- Physical damage : Sudden temperature changes (thermal shock) can create micro-cracks or cause the crystal to disintegrate.
- Water Solubility : Some crystals dissolve in water, which can happen very slowly over time or almost immediately, depending on the mineral.
Given these risks, it's essential to know which crystals are particularly vulnerable to water damage so you don't make an irreversible mistake.
10 Crystals You Shouldn't Clean With Water
- Selenite : Selenite is very soluble in water and can begin to dissolve when it comes into contact with moisture.
- Malachite : This stone is not only soft, but also contains copper, which can react with water, causing the stone to begin to decay or turn slightly brown.
- Lapis Lazuli : A porous crystal that can be damaged by exposure to water, leading to loss of color and erosion or rusting of its pyrite inclusions.
- Azurite : Like lapis lazuli, azurite is very sensitive to water and can lose its vibrant blue color.
- Halite : Like real rock salt, halite will dissolve completely in water, which means that it should absolutely not be cleaned with water.
- Calcite : This crystal can increase acidity when exposed to water, which can lead to etching or slow degradation.
- Desert Rose : This type of mineral is soluble in water and can lose its luster if washed under water.
- Pyrite : Pyrite is known for its metallic luster, but due to its metal content, it can rust over time when in contact with water.
- Opal : Opals contain water within their silicon structure; the constant change between the dry and wet environment it would be exposed to can cause cracking.
- Kyanite : This brittle crystal can disintegrate and break when exposed to water.

Acceptance of smoke cleansing
We alwaysrecommend smoke cleaning instead of water cleaning for the following reasons:
- Universal Suitability : Smoke cleansing can be safely used with virtually any type of crystal without risk of physical or chemical damage.
- Benefits of aromatherapy : Burning natural incenses such as sage, palo santo or sweet grass not only removes negative energy, but also improves your environment and home through the subtle use of aromatherapy.
- Effectiveness : The smoke reaches every part of the crystal, thus ensuring a thorough cleaning and maintaining the structural integrity of the crystal.
How to use smoke to cleanse your crystals
To smoke cleanse your crystals, simply light some natural incense and wrap your crystals in the smoke.
This will help clear any negative or stagnant energy that may be lingering in your crystals.
The most important thing in cleaning is your intention. As you cleanse the stone, maintain a focused intention on cleansing and re-energizing your crystals and minerals.

Water - never again
While water cleansing may be popular (we've received calls ourselves from customers who do it regularly), it's not suitable for all crystals.
Smoke cleansing offers a safe, effective and aromatic alternative that can not only enhance the energies of the crystals, but your environment as well. The next time you think about cleaning your crystals, choose smoke over water and preserve the natural beauty and integrity of your precious crystals.
7 Kommentare
Your Soul Time
Karmen, pozdravljeni!
Oranžnega kalcita dolgi izpostavljenosti vodi ne bi priporočili. :(
Karmen, pozdravljeni!
Oranžnega kalcita dolgi izpostavljenosti vodi ne bi priporočili. :(
Jooj se opravičujem, zdaj ko sem poslala sem se spomnila da nevem če sem napisala za kateri kristal se gre…me je nekaj zmotilo in sem poslala preden sem prebrala še enkrat kaj sem napisala. SKratka gre se za oranžni kalcit. naročila sem si pri vas kroglo in žepni kristal.
Lp, Karmen
Jooj se opravičujem, zdaj ko sem poslala sem se spomnila da nevem če sem napisala za kateri kristal se gre…me je nekaj zmotilo in sem poslala preden sem prebrala še enkrat kaj sem napisala. SKratka gre se za oranžni kalcit. naročila sem si pri vas kroglo in žepni kristal.
Lp, Karmen
Pozdravljeni, zanima me glede oranžnega kalcita. Nekje sem zasledila, da se ga lahko da v kozarec z vodo, potem pa to vodo pijemo. Tukaj pri vas pa vidim, da ga ni priporočljivo čistiti z vodo. Pri vas sem ga že naročila, ker me zares vleče k njemu in me samo skrbi da ga ne uničim takoj z vodo. Hvala za odgovor. Hvala, ker ste.
Čudovit dan vam želim.
Pozdravljeni, zanima me glede oranžnega kalcita. Nekje sem zasledila, da se ga lahko da v kozarec z vodo, potem pa to vodo pijemo. Tukaj pri vas pa vidim, da ga ni priporočljivo čistiti z vodo. Pri vas sem ga že naročila, ker me zares vleče k njemu in me samo skrbi da ga ne uničim takoj z vodo. Hvala za odgovor. Hvala, ker ste.
Čudovit dan vam želim.
Your Soul Time
Jelka, hvala za komentar! Žal orgonitov ne prodajamo, čistila pa bi jih na enak način, kot kristale – s kadilom. ♥️
Jelka, hvala za komentar! Žal orgonitov ne prodajamo, čistila pa bi jih na enak način, kot kristale – s kadilom. ♥️
Your Soul Time
Ina, hvala vam puno na tom komentaru! I vaši savjeti so sjajni! ♥️ Hvala što ste s nama podijelili svoje iskustvo i nadam se da će netko iz toga dobiti inspiraciju!
Ina, hvala vam puno na tom komentaru! I vaši savjeti so sjajni! ♥️ Hvala što ste s nama podijelili svoje iskustvo i nadam se da će netko iz toga dobiti inspiraciju!
Jelka Trglec
Pozdravljena ,imam vprašanje o orgonitih ali jih lahko kupim pri vas in kako je s čiščenjem le teh.Hvala za odgovor lep pozdrav Jelka.
Pozdravljena ,imam vprašanje o orgonitih ali jih lahko kupim pri vas in kako je s čiščenjem le teh.Hvala za odgovor lep pozdrav Jelka.
Hvala, koristan članak!
*Osobno već cca 20 godina čistim čisti kvarc izvorskom vodom u planinama, zakopam ga u zemlju preko noći ili ostavim na suncu (rano jutro do 9, 10 sati ujutro) i onda ga stavim u prostoriju i sve druge kristale koji se trebaju očistiti do i oko njega – isto katkad u vrtu na stolu, i zapalim incense – TRIO REEPT: 1.) bijela kadulja (za lošu energiju), 2.) tamjan smola (tjera loše duhove) i 3.) opijum Satya Sai Baba za zaštitu… Evo, da podijelim ideju i savjet:)))…
Hvala, koristan članak!
*Osobno već cca 20 godina čistim čisti kvarc izvorskom vodom u planinama, zakopam ga u zemlju preko noći ili ostavim na suncu (rano jutro do 9, 10 sati ujutro) i onda ga stavim u prostoriju i sve druge kristale koji se trebaju očistiti do i oko njega – isto katkad u vrtu na stolu, i zapalim incense – TRIO REEPT: 1.) bijela kadulja (za lošu energiju), 2.) tamjan smola (tjera loše duhove) i 3.) opijum Satya Sai Baba za zaštitu… Evo, da podijelim ideju i savjet:)))…