Choosing a crystal is an intuitive process, in which we must first of all listen to ourselves. There are two ways of choosing which one to use, and it is up to each individual.
We can choose it intuitively , without looking at its properties. This is what we call the crystal "calling" us. Our intuition chooses him, so we can't forget him, we think about him and we can't explain why we are so attracted to him.
The second method is more deliberate, as the crystal is selected based on the desired properties. In the following, we therefore present the most popular crystals or groups of crystals that, due to their characteristics, attract many people, especially those who are just getting to know them.
We must always first ask ourselves why we want a crystal in the first place and define our purpose. Do you want to boost your self-confidence or do you need help with meditation? Perhaps you would like to calm your nerves or open your heart to love? The possibilities are endless, and for all there is an energy aid in the form of a crystal.
Stone lightning (English quartz)
At the same time, this is also a nickname for the largest family of crystals on Earth, because we know many versions of this crystal . The main characteristics are a stable vibrating core, a multitude of different shapes and colors, and the structure varies from extremely dense microcrystals to larger ones that are visible to the naked eye.
The color is added by the presence of various minerals and traces of various elements, and the crystal can also be enriched with metal. All stone lightnings are generally considered to cleanse and strengthen energies, while working in harmony with the person who uses them.
At the same time, they balance our bioenergetic field and stimulate the functioning of the immune system, and they also have a harmonious effect on the chakras. It is mainly used for healing, communication and manifestations, because due to its stable composition it retains energy for a longer time than many other crystals. At the same time, it removes energy disturbances, including psychological patterns that we have outgrown, which is excellent for meditation and manifestation.
One of the most popular crystals is this purple colored version of stone lightning . It is suitable for treating hidden diseases and calming the mind. It is excellent as a tool for reducing stress, helps to strengthen memory, motivation and has a beneficial effect on the ability to make decisions.
It repels compulsive behaviors and obsessions, which lead to various addictions, and at the same time helps to eliminate anger, fear, rage and anxiety and is a comfort to us in times of mourning. In ancient Greece, amethyst was believed to be effective against drunkenness, so chalices were often made from it.
Rose quartz
Known for its pink hue, the heart chakra crystal carries unconditional love and acceptance and brings deep emotional healing. It improves our relationship with ourselves and brings us the inner love that is absolutely necessary for any other form of love.
Roževec helps us establish healthy boundaries in relationships and provides a place where our loved ones can be authentic and sincere. It can be used when it is necessary to firmly but lovingly say "no" , and it also has a beneficial effect on overcoming addictions, obsessions and self-harm. It helps us in the case of a broken heart, as it attracts harmonious relationships.
The bringer of prosperity and wealth reminds us that abundance is just a worldview with which we attract friendship, joy, as well as material goods.
It encourages us to be grateful for what we already have and motivates us to share our wealth with others. Its vibrant, bright energy boosts our confidence and helps ward off depression. It overcomes apathy and hopelessness and stimulates our mind to see new opportunities.
Citrine is a self-cleansing crystal, but we can still help it with additional cleaning.
T game eye
It embodies vitality. It is intended for everyone who wants to take control of their personal power and overcome emotional blockages. With its direct, stimulating energy, it also helps to attract wealth into life. It is helpful in changing toxic emotions into more favorable ones, finding a better perspective on life's challenges and overcoming fear.
The eye of the tiger helps us live more courageously and take risks when necessary. The healing powers of this crystal come from solar and earth energy, meaning it inspires and grounds us at the same time.
It strongly affects the mood and well-being of the person using it. It is best known for its protective properties , protecting the user from negative energy attacks. It emits infrared rays and negative ions, which improves the functioning of the immune system and helps detoxify the body.
Negative ions calm and stimulate the body and mind, so tourmaline is excellent for grounding spiritual energy. At the same time, it cleanses and balances the chakras and acts as protection. Due to its composition, it increases the flow of energies, thereby stimulating healing and removing blockages. We know many versions of tourmaline, each of which has its own specific healing abilities.
When choosing your first crystals, it is best to listen to your intuition, because it never lies to us. Surrender to the call and let it take you on a magical discovery of the magic of crystals.
Which crystal calls you or called you first? Write in a comment.
1 Kommentar
Rozevec v srckasti verizici…in citrin v obliki angelcka ..
Rozevec v srckasti verizici…in citrin v obliki angelcka ..