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Friday's grounding routine

Friday. The day when we finish our work obligations and replace stressful moments with moments of peace and connection with loved ones.

But in order to successfully start my well-deserved weekend, every Friday I follow my Friday grounding routine, which creates a cut between my work life and personal moments.

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Friday. The day when we finish our work obligations and replace stressful moments with moments of peace and connection with loved ones.

Despite the fact that I personally enjoy my work incredibly, I often look forward to the weekend simply because I dedicate more time to my soul and inner self. I give myself that permission.

But in order to successfully start my well-deserved weekend, every Friday I follow my Friday grounding routine, which creates a cut between my work life and personal moments.

How do I ground myself every Friday?

When I finish my last work day of the week, I shut down my computer, tidy up my desk and work environment and prepare it for Monday.

But before I close the office door, I take a few moments to myself.

I listen to calm meditative music and light a candle above which I light the incense that best suits me at that moment, whose help I want. This week it will be desert sage , which will help me remove stress from my environment and body.

I walk around the office and energetically clean the space in which I spend most of my time. Then I sit on the floor, place the incense in a bowl in front of me and take a few moments for quiet meditation.

My Friday meditation process

I dedicate the first few moments of meditation to mental gratitude. I am thankful for everything that has happened to me in the past week. For all the good times, as well as those that taught me something.

Then I begin to focus on capturing all the negative feelings and feelings of stress that are in my mind and body with each breath. With every breath I let these feelings out.

I imagine inhaling as a ladle that completely captures the negativity, and exhaling as pouring the negativity away.

When my mind is completely blank, when the bad feelings leave my body, I spend the next few minutes breathing and clearing my head. If a thought pops into my head, I notice it, but let it pass. I give myself room to breathe. I take time for myself.

When I finish my meditation, I take a few moments at the end to visualize. This is how I make sure that my body and mind are always aligned with the goals I want to achieve.

End with visualization

When visualizing my goals, I try to imagine myself in a specific situation, in a specific place. With my eyes closed, I map myself to another time and focus on the emotions I experience.

When I feel the power of visualization deep in my essence, I begin to slowly end the meditation.

I thank myself for taking time for myself, slowly open my eyes, take a deep breath and leave my workspace.

In the light of this meditation, my weekend is relaxed. I gather energy for the coming week and, thanks to the visualization, I start my Monday optimistic and full of energy.

What is your Friday routine?

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